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How long does it takes to get a reply?

It will takes 1-3 business days

If you cannot find any even in 'spam', please contact me via email.


I may reject a project if your request does not fit the way of work I am pursuing. 

How can I contact you?

For a tattoo

: Unless I open the books for a specific city, you can sign up a waitlist

Do not forget to add my email in your contact so you don't have to check the SPAM regularly. 


: Any invitations, questions, collaborations... are through the 'contact'


Do you do Blackwork?

Yes I do. And I'd love to do more Blackworks. So feel free to share your thoughts if you cannot find your ideal design from my flash.

How do you measure the size?

Sizes are measured by longest width or length

It's adjustable when you come to an appointment.

Can I ask for a design changing?

Depends on. 

If you are working on a custom design or freehand session, of course yes. 

Most of Flash designs are fixed, but for some of the flash design - you can ask for a change from black to color or color to black. 

After care


: After remove the second skin or wrap, clean the tattoo surface gently with warm water and let it dry well. Repeat this cleansing every morning and night until your tattoo is fully covered with scab. (approximately 3-5 days)

: After a tattoo scabs over, start to use the natural moisturizers such as Cocoa butter, Shea butter, Mango butter, Coconut oil... If you are not sure what to use, please ask me.

: Drink lots of water and sleep well. This will make your healing process faster.


: Swim, bath, Sauna for at least 2 weeks. 

: Intense exercise for at least 3 days. 

: Drinking alcohol for at least 3 days. 

: Scratch, peeling off the scab during the healing process.

: Use any kind of chemical moisturizers. 

: Wear a tight cloths for at least 1 week.


When can I have the studio address?

I'll get back to you the day before our appointment with the specific address. 

You'll get a basic information about the location beforehand such as near station or ave, street.

May I bring my company?

Most of studios I work with are welcoming for my customers and their companies. But depends on the studio it might be not allowed because of the limited space. So please ask me if you need to bring your anyone for any support.

Is it okay to eat inside?

It's okay to eat or drink in the studio unless I specify not to eat inside depending on a studio. 

I recommend you to bring some snacks for your energy low emergency if your pain tolerance is low. 

Can I be there earlier / later ?

If our appointment is at 3:00, ideally you should arrive between 2:55 - 3:15. 

It's okay to come little earlier/later, but just give me heads up so I can arrange my other schedule if I needed to.

If you do not arrived after 30min from our original appointment without any contact, I consider that as a cancellation. 

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